1.Pursuit of Service Quality
We, as a team of professionals, aim to be the customers' number one choice by raising the quality of all our operational processes and providing the highest quality of service.
2.Enhancement of Corporate Value through Sustained Growth
We place top priority on our customers.
We will endeavor to be the customers' number one choice by strategically investing business resources in growth areas to achieve sustainable growth and enhance corporate value.
3.Pursuit of Business Efficiency
By maximizing the Sompo Holdings, Inc.'s strengths through collaboration in all areas of our operations, we will enhance business efficiency and build a stable operating base to be conducive to customers' wealth building.
4.Highly Transparent Governance Systems
Recognizing our social responsibilities and public mission in asset management services, we will base the development of our business operations on highly transparent systems of governance, effective risk management, and compliance.
5.Fulfillment of Our Social Responsibilities
We, as a pioneer of SRI-Green fund in Japan, will fulfill our corporate social responsibilities and help to build a sustainable society through responsible investment.
6.Creation of a Vibrant Workplace
We will actively strive to invigorate our organization in order to create a vibrant and open organization that grows together with our employees.