Corporate Profile

Name Sompo Asset Management Co.,Ltd.
Kyoritsu Nihonbashi Building 2-16, Nihonbashi
2-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0027 Japanaccess
Establishment February 25, 1986
Paid-in capital JPY 1.55 billion
Asset Under Management
(As of March,2024)
Total: JPY 4,556.4billion
Retail: JPY 2,045.7billion
Institutional: JPY 2,510.7billion
Employees 188(As of April,2024)
Financial Instruments Registration number Director of Kanto Local
Finance Bureau (Financial instruments firms) No. 351
Memberships Japan Investment Advisers Association;
The Investment Trusts Association, Japan

About Us

  • Overview
  • Corporate Profile
  • Ownership & Management
  • Basic Management Policy
  • Corporate History
  • Group Organization
  • Organization
  • Access

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