Investment Process (Japanese Equity)

Investment Process (Japanese Equity)

  • Step 1. Fundamental Research
    • - Find normal fundamentals through fundamental research, including strategic analyses such as positioning and competitive forces analyses
    • - Research and score each company on business and credit risk in order to accurately calculate each stock's discount rate
  • Step 2. Return Analysis
    • - Each stock's intrinsic value is calculated with our proprietary 4-stage dividend discount model, using normal fundamentals and discount rate
    • - Calculate each stock's alpha, price/intrinsic value ratio, and rank each stock accordingly, to generate a model portfolio
  • Step 3. Portfolio Construction
    • - Analysts make recommendations, improving on the model portfolio
    • - Portfolio managers integrate recommendations into the client portfolio, taking correlation and risk concentration into account, then optimize the client portfolio within the constraints of the client portfolio's risk budget
Step 1. Fundamental Research / Step 2. Return Analysis / Step 3. Portfolio Construction

Our Business

  • Investment Philosophy
  • Strategies for Institutional Investors
  • Our Japanese Equity Investment
  • Investment Process(Japanese Equity)
  • Risk Management
  • Japan Value Equity Strategies

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